My "Most-Gifted" Books List

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Do you give books as gifts? I get a lot of flack for giving people homework as a present. In my opinion, there’s no better way to say, “I care,” than to give someone the gift of a better life. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite-to-gift books for your browsing pleasure. 

These books are suitable for friends or people in my closest professional circles. If you’re a business owner or person who passionately cares about doing cool things, these are required reading!

As a solo-entrepreneur, I spend a lot of time in the car, so I’ve listened to many of these titles. If a book is “homework heavy,” I’ve included a little book icon so you know I recommend a physical copy instead of an audiobook. 

Without further ado, my “Most-Gifted” Books List.

This book is number 1 on my list for a reason: it is life-changing! Dave Ramsey is likely the second-most influential writer and speaker on personal finance, right after Suze Orman. For me, the difference is in the results. 

Tens of thousands of people worldwide (and growing!) have rid their lives of debt by following the principles Dave lays out in this book. The Baby Steps to Financial Peace are easy to follow and uncomplicated.

In addition to his numerous #1 New York Times Best Sellers, he has a ton of other resources. He hosts a nationally syndicated radio show (25 years running), active blog, endorsed service providers and the heart of a teacher. 

Dave and his network don’t just tell you what to do, they come alongside you and teach you why to do it. You’ll be educated and inspired!. 10/10 would recommend!

If you want to boost your public speaking chops, this is the only book you need! I listened to Talk Like TED and immediately recommended it to every pastor I know.

I return to the book often because it is jam-packed with wisdom and actionable frameworks. 

Even more than public speaking, this book is helping me be more persuasive in pitches and my writing. 

If you talk to people, this book will help you communicate more clearly and effectively. I recommend it to all working people.

“Not this ‘Debt is Dumb’ Guy Again.” Sorry, but he’s really good! In addition to his common sense plan for successful personal finance, Dave Ramsey has an all-star business playbook. 

As I have been starting and growing my business, I turn to Dave’s wisdom anytime I need motivation.

He built a business that helps people and has become incredibly wealthy at the same time.

The amount of integrity displayed in his business dealings in addition to the kinds of information he gives away for free {Dave’s website} proves that he cares about his customers. I hope that I am building that kind of business, too.

Dan Miller does an exceptional job of laying out a plan to find you work you love. No, this is not necessarily a book for entrepreneurs. However, I do recommend this book for anyone who’s having doubts about their life’s purpose and where work fits into that purpose. 

As a person of faith, I’ve often found this quote to be true: “Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy meets the world’s greatest need.” -Frederick Buechner.

Miller’s approach to finding the work you love helps you identify openings before the public knows about them, effectively and confidently pitch yourself, move fast in the job hunt, and keep confidence and hope when things seem overwhelming or hopeless.

I give this book to recent high school or college graduates or friends looking to make a career change.

In addition to Simon Sinek’s soothing voice, this book has great advice. The subtitle is, “How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,” and I think that’s perfect.

Whether you’re building a business, helping a raise money for a cause, or trying to convince your kids to clean their room, inspiration is a great motivator. This book will help you clarify why you’re doing the things you do. 

In fact, this book might clarify that you should be doing something different, if you hadn’t started with why previously!

As I said, Simon Sinek has a very soothing voice, so if you’re a fan of being relaxed and inspired at the same time, let him read it to you!

Okay, so this recommendation is kind of cheating because I haven’t finished it yet! BUT, I’ve been keeping up with her podcast as I’ve been getting through this book and HAD to share it with you!

Christy Wright has inspired and equipped thousands of women (so far) to start and grow businesses of their own. Her teaching style is warm, conversational, and honest. She cares about why and how you’re doing this.

As a female entrepreneur myself, I appreciate that she knows our lives are complicated. She even gives advice about having work/life harmony, because work/life balance is a myth. You might be all-business sometimes, but during holidays you might be all-family for a solid week. 

She has helped me work towards a harmonious life, between professional work and personal work. Definitely check this one out!

That's It For Now!

As I find more books that I highly recommend, I’ll update this list. I will also prepare a list of free resources available from these authors. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see when that is up. 

What do you think?

Did I miss any must read books? Do you have substitutions for some of the titles on this list? Please feel free to leave a comment below or send me a quick message. I always love hearing from you! Thank you for reading!